domingo, 1 de julio de 2012

"Freedom" in Iraq

With the authorization to occupy and invade Iraq, the U.S. tried to give freedom back to the Iraqi population  and, at the same time, find  weapons of mass destruction in its territory, all this under the pretext of ensuring a sovereign government for this country.From my point of view, the U.S. didn't have the right to invade Iraq and after all they didn't find any of the said weapons they were looking for. And, even though Sadam Hussein is already dead and Iraq has a new government, the U.S. military forces still stay in that country; that makes me think that American authorities are not really worried about the Iraqi population because having foreign military troops doesn't mean to be a free country so the U.S. hasn't achieved its supposed aim of giving Iraq freedom. They may be interested in something else; maybe something related to money or what a lot of people consider it as the actual reason: oil. I hope that the Iraqi population lives convinced that their rights are going to be respected from now on.

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