martes, 3 de julio de 2012

The American Culture

It was really interesting to know some facts about the art, music and cinema of the U.S.. It is surprising when you hear about American art schools that were established centuries ago because, in these days, what we usually know about its culture is modern films and music. We don't hear about American painters or sculptors very often.

Regarding cinema, I think the Golden Age is one of the most fascinating periods of American films. I have seen many movies from that period and they can be considered as pieces of art. However, if we try to compare some modern movies to those of the Golden Age, we will note that, actually, there is no point of comparison between them. Many modern movies are really ridiculous because their plots just try to impress the public with exaggerated situations or behaviors. On the other hand, old movies were, in general, more realistic. However, I must say that there are modern movies that are really worth to see!

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Do you think Americans ran out of ideas for making films? I think so. I agree with you when you write that modern films are stupid, most of them are made just for making people laugh and not think. However, we can't deny that American films, and music as well, are well-knokn in many countries and have influenced many cultures around the World.

  3. I don't think that Americans have ran out of ideas. I just think the really good ideas are overcome by the profitable ones. The heads of the movie industry are business men and as such they want to make as much money as possible.
    However, there is a great production of independant films for those who enjoy the good storylines and scripts.
