viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Big corporations: good or not good?

U.S. big corporations play an important role in the economy of their country because they help, in some ways, to improve its level of industrialization and create a great number of jobs; however, when these corporations have too much power, it becomes difficult for the government to try to make them follow the rules.Sometimes, corporations take advantage of that power and do not pay enough attention to the working conditions they establish for their employees because they are so big and have so many workers that one of them is not going to do any difference if he continues working for them or not.
It could be that the U.S. authorities can do almost nothing against abuses from big corporations because of their great influence on the economy of the U.S.
Many Americans think these big corporations sometimes get lazy because other companies which are smaller can not compite with them and, when the big ones come to a new place they make the other companies go  bankrupt because of their lower prices. Perhaps, making big corporations pay higher taxes would be fair for everyone.

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