sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

U.S.A.: a great nation

Despite the fact that the most part of us have never been in the U.S.A., we all know quite well a number of facts about the American culture.
It’s very well known that U.S. is a nation where people from all over the world live together, however, there are two different points of view about whether America may be considered as a melting pot where different cultures have mixed to form a unique culture, or a salad bowl, where different cultures live in the same territory without losing their identity.
In my opinion, it’s not really important if the U.S.A. is any of them. What is essential here is to know that people with different characteristics, customs or traditions can actually share the same territory and contribute to build a great nation.

5 comentarios:

  1. Your comment is great. But I do think it is important to understand how the mix of cultures has been developing and how it has been affecting the US as a whole.
    And I believe that maybe some things in the US are quite different from what we think, but this class will help us to have a better understanding of the US culture.

  2. Interesting comments..but sometimes immigrants feel abandoned...they believe that Obama's administration is not doing enough for them as it was promised during the last presidential elections. What do you think Obama's Government should do?

    1. Problems about immigration have been worrying american authorities for a very long time and maybe that's the reason why Obama can't solve them because the problem is too big.

    2. In my opinion, one of the reason why Obama cannot help immigrant is that all the States has autonomy, this means each State can pass a law about how to solve the immigration problem… In this case, what can Obama’s administration do?

    3. I think that the government is always going to worry more about their on. If Americans still think that every non-white person is an immigrant, then nothing is going to get better.
      An it's true, Pamela. What can Obama do?
